my memories
Thursday, March 30, 2006
"Once upon a time lived Jack with a spade and a King who carried clubs. Both of them were in love with a Queen whose heart was black as black can be. However, the Queen wanted to marry Jack Red who had plenty of diamonds.
Jack Red offered the Queen ten diamonds as the bridal price. When Jack with a spade and the King who carried clubs found out, they were red with anger.
One night, ten hired assassins killed Jack Red. Seven Diamonds were stolen to make it look like a robbery. Jack Red was found bludguned ten times. Two clubs were found at the scene of the crime. Jack was arrested because nine blood-stained clubs were found stashed in his closet. Not long after, the King who carried clubs died.
Worse still, the ghost of Jack Red appeared to the Queen carrying nine pulsating hearts. So petrified was the Queen that the next day, she hired ten bodyguards. To her great horror, five of her bodyguards were found hung.
Ace Ventura, FBI agent, was placed on the job. The Queen offered one diamond as payment, but Ace tried to bargain for three; he received ten slaps on the face instead.
Will Ace crack the case? What about Jack Red? Will the Queen get to live happily ever after? (to be con't)"
What do you think of the story? cute huh? This was done in English class as group work. If you're bored, you can try this out, with some friends. (We were in groups of eight) All you need is pen, paper, and a pack of cards. First, distribute the cards, facedown. No one is to take a look at what they got. Once all the cards are distributed, you can begin. The stories are to begin with "once upon a time" and end with "happily ever after".
So what do you do? Well, someone will start by flipping open the one of their cards. For example, person A flips open a card and gets 3 of spades. Person A will then say something like, "Once upon a time there were 3 little pigs." Then Person B will flip open one of his cards, and maybe get 6 clubs. So person be can say something like, "They lived in a town filled with clovers." (Clubs is in the shape of clovers) Then Mr. C will go next and get let's say.. 3 of clubs! So he can say something like, "They like to go to a club down the street". And so on.
So basically you can use any aspect of the card -number, suit, shape and colour. Write the story down as the game goes on. It can be as crazy and hilarious as you like. Read it once you're done. It's really cute!
6:43 PM
mmm... yummy
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sarah, based on your responses, your top career area is Counseling and Guidance
Careers in this field often demand that you have a strong desire to improve the lives of others. Most likely, you have strong interpersonal skills, and enjoy working with people. It may also be important to you to work in a profession where you can be certain you're making a difference. Sarah, based on your responses, your top career area is Counseling and Guidance
Yay! That's what I actually want to be! Ha... this was my result in a quiz found from this
site. It's fun to take quizzes now and then. Though, I saw one entitled "Do you need a confidence makeover?" under the teen section. In my opinion, if you did have confidence, then you wouldn't bother taking this quiz would you? ha... anyway, just a little something to share. night.
note: i found out on Sunday that Evan reads my blog! BUT SHE DIDN'T TAG!!! If you're reading this right now.. go tag!
9:35 PM
mmm... yummy
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Here's a couple of funky poems that I enjoyed as a kid. (I still like them) Just thought I'd share them with you.
'Sit up straight,'
said mum to Mabel.
'Keep your elbows
off the table.
Do not eat peas
off a fork.
Your mouth is full -
Don't try and talk.
Keep your mouth shut
When you eat.
Keep still or you'll
Fall off your seat.
If you want more,
You will say "please".
Don't fiddle with
That piece of cheese!'
If then we kids
Cause such a fuss,
Why do you go on
Having us?
- Spike MilliganPersonal note (P.N.): This was one of my favourite poems as a kid. Especially when Mum and Dad kept instructing me or nagging. I also realise it is sort of a contradiction to the Singapore Govt.'s desire for parents to have more kids. After all, if we're so bad that we have to be nagged at constantly, what's the point in having us kids?
The Itch
If your hands get wet
in the washing-up water,
if they get covered in flour,
if you get grease or oil
all over your fingers,
if they land up in the mud,
wet grit, paint, or glue...
have you noticed
it's just then
that you always get
a terrible itch
just inside your nose?
And you can try to
twitch your nose,
twist your nose,
squeeze your nose,
scratch it with your arm,
scrape your nose on
your shoulder
or press it
up against the wall,
but it's no good.
You can't get rid of
the itch.
It drives you mad
you just have to let a
finger get at it.
And before you know
you've done it.
You've wiped a load of glue,
or oil,
or cold wet pastry
all over the end of your nose.
- Michael RosenP.N: This is so true!! I don't know about you, but it's happened to me a few times. I remember once having wet paint on my hands, and on another occasion, flour. Hahaha!
Right, that's what I'll share for now, more will be shared next time. I love that I read as a kid, they amuse me to no end. Anyway, see you around. Night!
8:48 PM
mmm... yummy
Monday, March 20, 2006
Many a time in my life, I would be told I have great potential (though for different things). Here's one recent example: "...I think you've got great potential, Sarah, where language is concerned. Develop a deeper interest in words themselves because they are fraught with connotative meaning; understanding these will go a long way to better & more effective communication." (16/03/2006) My English teacher typed that. I remember my piano teacher telling me I got great potential when I was twelve or thirteen. I remember my mother telling me I got great potential (for what I've no idea) when I was a pre-teen. I also remember that during my pre-teens I was in a rebellious stage, and for some reason or other, I grew annoyed at people telling me I got great potential, and if only I would put in more effort... blah blah blah.
Stranger still, I wanted to prove that I didn't have great potential, so I put in less effort. Why? I have no idea. Looking back, I scold myself for being so stupid. They were compliments after all, many others who were never told that probably wished for such a compliment. How many youths and children end up not achieving what they should all because no one believed in them? I wonder sometimes, what the world would be like, if more kids would be engcouraged. Now, I appreciate it when I'm told I have great potential, and try harder.
Anyway, this is just a little thought. Ahahaha. I got inspired when I read what Ms Chai wrote(typed).
9:22 PM
mmm... yummy
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I don't know why, but I've been dreaming about poiema peeps. Two nights ago, I dreamt that the lot of us were in some weird virtual game. I don't remember seeing everyone's faces, but somehow, I know that it was supposed to be the whole lot of them. I remember crazy rollarcoaster rides... people shooting here and there... Oh yes! I remember Daphne being the one who knows everything in the so-called 'virtual reality'. I think she was the creator or something. I remember running from crazy aliens with JiaEn, I remember crawling in the mud, hiding from some creature. We were travling from world to world I guess. That's about all I remember. It was a very exciting dream that's for sure. I was disappointed to be woken up while I was halfway into the dream.
Then just last night, I dreamt again. This time, there were worms in it. I think I was in some car with AnEe and then someone threw worms at me and I screamed. Some other girl was with me. All in all, it was weird and freaky, that's all I know. Ahahaha. It's too strange. I wonder what other kinds of dreams will turn up. Hopely, they will have nothing to do with bugs, I hate to dream if bugs.
1:23 PM
mmm... yummy
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Here's the story like I promise! Ain't storytelling fun?? XD
'Never regret a day in your life'
"One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied. "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
He said. "In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.
"I would not quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant... But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots"
"I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you."
"Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet, they both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high!" "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
He will never give up on you.
God says in Psalms 84: 11 that the Lord Jesus is your "sun (to give you warmth and joy) and shield (to protect you) and He will not withhold good things from those who walk uprighteously."
No problem is too big for God to carry on His shoulder. Come to Him in prayer. Never regret a day in you life. Good days give you happiness; Bad days give you experiences; Both are essential to life. Keep going.... "
there we go! I tweaked with the paragraphing a bit.... and, it was taken from an email, just so you know.
7:43 PM
mmm... yummy
Monday, March 06, 2006
I don't know why I'm blogging, but I am. This is strange, really. Now my mind's gone kind of blank. Huh.. My brain really knows when to abandon me. To get the ball rolling, I suppose I'll talk about my Chinese composition homework! I know, I know, why talk about homework? or even worse, CHINESE homework??? Well, the teacher went through with us two articles today, and we're required to pick one and write a reflection - in chinese! (duh)
What are those two articles that can be so interesting anyway? Well, the first is about a seventeen year old student who recorded herself having sex (with her boyfriend). The phone went missing, and soon after, the video was played on the net. Seriously, how sick can one get? The fact that someone who found/ stole the phone posted it on the net was bad enough for the poor girl. However, in the Straits Times, the girl's flippant attitude disgusted me to no end. Her defense was "Everybody's doing it." I hope for her sake that she said it to "save face". If it was otherwise, sorry to disappoint her, but not everyone is doing it. Definitely not me and I'm part of everybody. We don't exactly see sex videos popping up all over the internet do we?
However, it got me thinking, when we kids do something wrong, and our defense is "everyone's doing it!" Then sometimes we are asked, "so if everyone is jumping of a cliff/ stealing/ taking drugs, you'll do it?" We tend to ignore that question thinking it silly of them to ask such a rethorical question. I mean, you can't exactly find cliffs in Singapore and most of us would be too busy schooling to steal and well, we've been taught that drugs kill. We definitely don't want to die. Yet, if you really really think about it, the concept behind the defense and the question is kind of the same isn't it? Why then do we dismiss the question thinking it silly? Isn't the 'crime' just as bad? A sin is a sin, irregardless of whether we think it's something small and not worth noticing. A white lie, is still a lie, we can't deny that. Sugar-coating words aren't enough to erase the fact that it's a sin.
Oh my, I've spent so much time on the first article. I'll do a quickie on the second one. The police have announced that all teenagers aged 16 years and below, if I'm right, are not allowed to loiter after 11pm. If caught doing otherwise, parents will be notified. This is to help decrease the crime rate amongst teenagers and prevent them from forming gangs of sorts. While I agree that they should do something about the crime rate thingamajigg, I think the responsibility of curfew setting and all that should go to the parents. I mean, a set curfew for everyone is not exactly fair to those who are responisible and mature enough to stay out so late. Oh well, to each his/ her own I guess.
I know these to articles are kind of old news, but talking about them now should mean that you fellas out there have read about them or heard about them. I got a nice story I wanted to put up, I received it in my email account. Though i forwarded it, I'd like to put it up here. After all stories are fun things, and can be meangingful. I'll do that tommorrow. Turrah.
7:31 PM
mmm... yummy
Sunday, March 05, 2006
I got a new skin today! I think it's much nicer- it has a clean look and my tagboard can be seen! Yay. What do you think? The theme of the skin can be seen in the edited version of the poem. It was what I wanted to use for last year, but I couldn't find the right skin. Now I have!
I lead worship today for youth, I think it went sort of okay... I'm not sure. Youth went quite well though, with Deqi leading my cell. The topic was controlling fear. To control it, we first have to identify it. Only then will we be able to control it, in a sense. I think it's worse to not know what your being afraid of, it's really scary. At least when you know it, you can deal with it. Know what I mean?
That was step one. Once your fear is identified, you should tell people close to you. Jesus did that when he went to Gethsemane to pray, he brought his disciples along to pray with him. (it's in the gospel of Luke, go find it) It's much easier to deal with your fear when you know that you have the support of friends and/ or family.
After that, choose the right way of dealing with your fear. If it means pushing it aside to do the right thing, then do it. The de vil likes to use fear to push us in the wrong direction, so beware and make the right choice. Evantually, a choice will have to be made, so to keep your mind at rest, make that choice the right one. Then we can use words like... courage.
Hah, that's what I learned today. After youth we went to the Hougang mall for lunch, and headed to Joshua's place. It was fun, though I got kind of tired after awhile. Some of them were playing a card game - "alert" fused with "truth or dare" - and Daniel had to play it. Then sissie and Cheryl started to bug him about his life. He should have known it was coming, I have no idea why he went to play it. It felt like a weird conspiracy because everyone tried to get him to lose so that he had to pick a truth or dare. Really weird, yet strangely amusing.
Anyway, me and sissie stayed till after dinner. Then we left for home with all of them. So here I am. Hah... I like Sundays, it's one of the more enjoyable days of the week for me. I'm going to stop here now. Good night.
10:49 PM
mmm... yummy
Saturday, March 04, 2006
After reading a few of my blog entries, I realised that I tend to start it with "hello!" Well, this time, i'm going to go straight to the point. My sis got a blog. I don't know why when she's not the blogger type of person. In fact she had never shown any interest in blogging until her friend pestered her to start one, or so she claims. Even better, my dear friend Ariel (the girl who moved to Thailand) started a blog as well! Is it just me or is the blogging fever beginning to arise? Maybe blogging will become an addiction! o.O
Yeah right. Hah. Anyway, this morning Cheryl (Lim), Jia en, Jean, sissie and me followed dad for an archery session with the BB of Anglican High School (AHS). It was held at Tampines Safra. We had fun of course, though I must say, I don't think the nuumber of times I got to actually shoot was worth the 8 bucks. Oh well, what to do, I already went for it. Ahha. The staff there even gave us a target paper for us to sign our names as a souvenir! Maybe I'll take a picture of it and put it up here. Jean signed her name as "Danielle" since she decided that will become her middle name after her confirmation. Then it'll become Jean Danielle Tan. Note that her middle name is actually the female version of Daniel. XD. Oh right, i haven't posted about it, but Jean poured water over Daniel when i invited her to join the youth for a game of basketball during the holidays. I think it was because he hit the ball which hit her ear. She jokingly told me it was to remember him always. Hah. Her name does have a nice ring to it though. I really like it.
I rushed for music practise after that, and me being little miss intelligent, I forgot to bring my file for the lyrics etc.! Sigh... I'm just lucky I've managed to memorise the song, otherwise I would have to borrow someone's file. For some strange reason, though, I don't think we played as well as we should have been, it's as if we slipped back into the role of a beginner. Maybe it's just me, hmm...
Doesn't matter now, that's pretty much all the excitement I had for today, so I'll go now. I hope you like the new skin I found. I'm still looking for a better one though, this skin doesn't feel.. me. RIght, turrah then.
7:41 PM
mmm... yummy